At-Home Tutoring, Online And In-Person Tutoring
Our tutors are credentialed teachers and graduate professionals with many years of experience in and out of the classroom. All of our programs were designed to be affordable and accessible to everyone.
Pre School
A unique program for Pre-K. Is your child ready for Pre-K reading, introducing the wonderful world of reading to your Pre-K child? Learn more about Pre-K tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
Kindergartners love discovering the world around them and how it works. Learn more about Kindergartners tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
kids tutoring online tutoring for elementary students
1st Grade: Your child has just finished kindergarten and is now going to begin elementary schooling. Learn more about First Grade tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
2nd Grade: As your child enters Second Grade, there’s often a sense of pride…. Learn more about Second Grade tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
3rd Grade: Children entering 3rd grade have either decided that school is AWESOME or… Learn more about Third Grade tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
4th Grade: As 4th grade begins their school year, your child also starts to build its foundation for… Learn more about Fourth Grade tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
5th Grade: The last lap of a child’s elementary school years…., and wow what a journey… Learn more about Fifth Grade tutoring programs and activities At-Home, In-Person or Online
Why we focus on primaries years for tutoring?
Like any first impression, they last and are imprinted, starting the foundation and creating our future experiences. The primary years are the golden years of your child’s education. Young children are often brimming with curiosity and natural learners. Still, if confidence is knocked out, it can be challenging to get your child to look forward to enjoying school or homework. We understand the importance of adapting to each child’s needs and personality, all the while working to achieve tangible results.
We partner with your child’s educator, and the parents, to create the best well-rounded experience for the child’s tutoring support. One of the many advantages of home tutoring is that children benefit enormously from having their one-to-one tutor. At the primary level, school teachers often teach large classes, and so problems with comprehension can be missed. With one-to-one online private tuition, students learn at their own pace, from the comfort of their home, without the distraction of a busy classroom.
Online Tutoring Services
Personalized Learning, SAT prep, Test prep
In-Person & Online for Pre-K through College years plus Adults!
“We offer 21st-Century Whole Child Tutoring Approach In-Person & Online for Pre-K through College years plus Adults! Our tutoring program focuses on personalized one-on-one tutoring, Homeschool Programs/Teachers, School Support, Homework Help, Academic Coaching Programs, SEL Life Coaching for Children and Families, and Educational Therapists/Specialists. “Because life happens on the yard and in the classroom™, Sarah Katrina Maruani. “Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.” Children, parents, communities, educators, life coaches, professionals, and tutors are a team. Together, we can create a world where the essence of every child and family is seen and honored.”
Personalized Learning, SAT prep, Test prep
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International: +1 850 848 4242
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Toll-Free USA: 844 902 4242
International: +1 850 848 4242
Is Kids Life Coaching a viable solution?
Evidence that childhood is in crisis appears to be everywhere. It has been undisputedly proven in multiple research studies, that most lifetime mental illness begins in childhood. Find out why every child deserves to have their own Kids Life Coach based on research and proven evidence.
- Fulfillment Seeker
- Optimistic Thinker
- Choice Maker
- Purpose Pursuer
- Responsibility Hero