Because life happens on the yard and in the classroom™

Text Messaging Opt-in and Opt-out

Text Messaging Opt-out

No matter how amazing your product, service, or marketing is, there will always be someone who doesn’t want to receive commercial text messages. If you offered an opt-in or double-opt-in and the customer hasn’t responded, consider that an opt-out. It’s safest not to reach out to customers unless they are expecting it.

Your recipients can also opt-out of receiving text messages from you at any time by texting in words “STOP,” “QUIT,” “UNSUBSCRIBE,” “OPT-OUT,” or “CANCEL.” It’s important to make opt-out easy. The message carrier will see these messages and stop any messages from going out to that customer.

Text Messaging Opt-In

“UNSTOP” to receive messages again.