Learn to Read: From Learn to Read to Read to Learn this Summer
Reading struggles are common among children of all ages. Most struggling readers have trouble spelling, writing, comprehension, and fluency. Reading struggles can cause frustration and stress among students, impacting children’s self-esteem. Combat reading loss and help struggling readers this summer with accelerated reading tracks aligned to the Kids on the Yard summer reading virtual camp.
Does your child enjoy or struggle with reading? In Kids on the Yard camp, your child will participate in our summer book club! In addition to reading, they will engage in phonics, reading comprehension, fluency and pronunciation, and creative writing skills! These core skills will set the stage for success as they head into upper grades.
Reading is nothing; Comprehension is everything.
Sarah Richards
Virtual Summer Reading Camps – Top 10 KOTY Reading Program © From Learn to Read to Read to Learn:
Reading is a necessary skill that formulates essential building blocks for learning. It improves learners overall learning and knowledge throughout their elementary school years. At this level, children graduate from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”
It is crucial to instill a love for reading in your child, and reading during the day or at bedtime helps achieve this goal. You can extend this love further by integrating other fun programs like virtual book clubs. At Kids on the Yard, we do just that! We bring books alive by connecting modern and classic storybooks for kids with activities, recipes, and crafts. We also offer activities and games to improve the campers’ reading abilities. Importantly, we encourage parents to gift their children prizes to motivate them to read and learn more.
Our tutors teach your child to sound out unknown words, develop strong vocabulary, and master spelling. In later elementary grade years, we assist them with word meaning, critical thinking skills, reading comprehension, and forming opinions about a story.
Virtual Summer Phonics camps – Top 10 KOTY Phonics Program © From Learn to Read to Read to Learn:
Phonics is a crucial and precious skill for young learners to begin the understanding reading by hearing sounds, sound patterns, letter recognition, and so much more. For example, children often begin learning phonics by sounding out letters and learning which letter represents that sound to that letter, like A is for apples. Children from ages 2 to 4 years also learn from the world around them before entering formal education.
Phonemic awareness is a subset of phonological awareness in which listeners can hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes, the minor mental units of sound that helps to differentiate units of meaning. Once children experience phonics understanding, they begin to feel confident in reading.
Our reading summer camp programs pair fun phonemic awareness activities with your child’s skill level because they understand every child learns differently. When your child understands the relationship between the sounds of words, the next step — reading — becomes a real adventure.
Our phonemic camp is designed for young learners that want to excel in reading. The campers will engage in multi-sensory activities to strengthen their reading skills and improve their phonological awareness.
We shall use phonemic awareness activities, personal instruction, and fun motivation to:
- Get young learners excited to read
- Understand the sounds associated with consonants and vowel letters of the alphabet
- Learning how to build words by blending sounds
- Recognizing how new words are formed with different phonics patterns
Virtual Summer Reading Comprehension Camp – Top 10 KOTY Comprehension Program © From Learn to Read to Read to Learn:
Reading comprehension is essential among elementary school children since it prepares them for future learning, making them better readers and writers for the rest of their lives. Reading comprehension also makes it easy for students to learn new concepts at different learning levels.
In Kids on the Yard, we understand that reading comprehension skills provide an essential building block for learning. Therefore, we equip your child with reading skills hence developing their self-esteem and confidence with their reading.
Our reading comprehension camp helps students improve their reading comprehension using engaging and exciting methods. Through a 5-day camp, your child will learn research-based strategies for growing their reading comprehension. In each 2-hour session, they will discover a new reading strategy through discussion, slides, games, and reading engaging short stories.
At the end of the camp, your child will have better reading comprehension skills applicable in middle school, high school, and beyond. In addition, we integrate games to make the session fun while increasing learners’ engagement and retention!
Developing reading comprehension skills is essential for growing readers. However, if your child’s reading skills only dwell on mastery, they will not acquire the skills needed to understand more advanced text in later grades.
Virtual Summer Reading Fluency and Pronunciation Camp:
Learning pronunciation and building fluency is a more significant part of learning how to read. Kids on the Yard virtual summer camps provide a good platform for readers struggling with these reading skills. We boost the reading skills even among students who don’t seem to have many reading struggles.
Better pronunciation and reading fluency help children learn more vocabulary words and gain better writing skills. Under this camp, students will learn to read freely and with expressions, observe punctuation, and apply voice inflection. They will use games and reading aloud sessions to improve their fluency and pronunciation, among other engaging methods. Better fluency and pronunciation lead to a better understanding of texts.
Virtual Summer Creative Writing Camps:
Reading struggles can cause students to struggle with writing too. Our creative writing summer camp helps children unleash their imagination and discover their writing abilities while developing creativity, vision, and confidence. All our writing summer camps are fun-filled, have focused lessons, and involve a lot of sharing and group writing.
The camps are designed to foster a love for reading and writing, foster creativity, and improve kids’ self-expression. In addition, we give young writers a platform to enhance and build upon their writing knowledge as we encourage them to do research-based reading.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What makes the Kids on the Yard reading program the best?
Rather than just placing your child in grade-level reading, we assess your child’s reading level. Our team needed o to identify the task help your child may need to improve fluency, comprehension, and reading competence.
Our personalized approach for your child’s reading program is what they need to grow. Our practice will keep your child engaged in learning and also accelerates results.
Hone the right skills for school Skills! Our reading curriculum aligns with your child’s school standards and curriculum.
How do I improve my child’s reading comprehension?
You can improve your child’s reading comprehension by integrating their daily life experiences and interests in the story. This way, your child will be interested in the story’s content, which will boost their understanding. Secondly, you can ask your child questions before and after reading, something that improves their concentration level and develop their problem-solving skills. Lastly, you can increase their comprehension by encouraging them to summarize information after reading.
At what point should I be worried about my struggling reader?
Children have different speeds of learning. Many clever students take time to learn reading or may struggle with it for many years. You don’t have to worry if your four to five-year-old is not a fluent reader or can’t read at all. Instead, please help them to overcome their challenges through fun activities. Work closely with the teacher to learn effective ways to deal with your child’s challenge.
However, there is reason to worry if your child can’t read by the time they reach six years. You can work with their teachers and other experts to determine their problems and what you can do to support them from home. The good news is that your child can catch up and improve their reading abilities by applying the right strategies.
Please CHECKOUT how Kids on the Yard tutors help struggling readers.
How do virtual summer camps help struggling readers?
· They create a favorable atmosphere for learning, especially by providing one-on-one instruction.
· Provide more time with little pressure, more reading opportunities, and immediate feedback.
· It can increase a learner’s reading performance.
· It can reduce a child’s frustration while motivating students to read more.
· Increases interpersonal skills as learners interact with their mates and tutors.
· Allows for individual monitoring of a child to ensure effective learning.
How can parents help struggling readers?
· Be supportive and encourage your child at all times. They will often feel frustrated when reading, but it will be easier when you offer genuine support.
· Check out your child’s progress in school and find out from their teacher their assessment of your child’s word decoding skills.
· Help them to decode words accurately and to build accuracy and speed of reading through:
– Ask your child to read aloud and match their voice to yours.
– Practice reading the same short paragraph, list of words, or phrase several times.
– Remind your child to pause between phrases and sentences.
– Read aloud
· Set a reading culture at your home by being a good reader.
· Listen to audiobooks as your child follows on the print copy. Also, encourage them to try reading along with the tape.
Why do some children struggle with reading?
A child can struggle with reading difficulties due to varying reasons that include the following.
– Inability to concentrate or sit still since they are active learners.
– Lagging behind their peers, causing reading anxiety.
– Have language and speech difficulties.
– English is their second language
– A history of learning or spelling difficulties in the family.
– Dyslexia, among other learning disorders.
Parting Shot:
Reading is a crucial academic skill, without which it is impossible to learn. Children learn to read from an early age to help them read independently in the later grades. As a result, 85% of the curriculum is known through reading. This means that kids who lag behind struggle to learn and comprehend. Research indicates that most kids who lag in third-grade reading never catch up.
Most students who do not know how to read at the end of the 3rd-grade struggle so much with future learning, and most of them never graduate from high school. Kids on the Yard tutors help third graders bridge any reading skills before the fourth grade. Our tutors also model culture and a love for reading in your child. So besides getting your struggling child on track, they also help them build confidence and a passion for reading.
Would you like to know more about our summer camps?
Please follow the following camps: https://kidsontheyard.com/summer-camp/.
The following website will help you understand our pricing and schedule: https://enrollment.kidsontheyard.com/.
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