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When Children Need Tutoring Help? Doing homework with tutor, Parents Point of View, Questions Guide

Parents Point of View #127: Questions for Parents to Decide When Children Need Tutoring Help

When Children Need Tutoring Help? Many parents get frustrated watching their children struggle with grades, experience homework meltdowns, or display signs of test anxiety.

When Children Need Tutoring Help? Many parents get frustrated watching their children struggle with grades, experience homework meltdowns, or display signs of test anxiety. The good news is that they can solve most of these problems by getting a tutor. Tutors help children develop practical learning skills, gain confidence in class, or boost performance in subjects they were struggling with in the past.

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”

Ignacio Nacho Estrada
When Children Need Tutoring Help? Tutoring studying at home or virtual?

For many parents, it can be hard to determine if a child needs the help of a tutor or not. Such parents explicitly depend on a teacher to decide if they could benefit from tutoring services. Our Kids on the Yard educators came up with the following questions to help parents determine when their child needs tutoring help:

1. Are your child’s grades falling?

If you have noticed that your child’s grades are quickly slipping, they should see a tutor. A tutor will help determine the cause of the reduced performance and significantly help them overcome their struggles.

2. Has your child’s learning confidence dropped?

It is common for students to experience short-term phases of low confidence or self-doubt when tackling new material. Nevertheless, if you notice that your child’s spirit has been dropping over a prolonged period, hiring a tutor is a good idea. A tutor can help your child gain back confidence by setting realistic and achievable learning goals.

3. Is your child suddenly avoiding school? 

A child who is falling behind others or is struggling with a specific learning area may avoid school due to frustration and embarrassment. You will notice that your child is no longer excited about school and may seem discouraged and intimidated by classwork. Hiring a tutor can help such children cope with their challenges and start loving school again.

4. Does your child get stressed or anxious about tests and assignments?

It is common for students to feel anxious about assignments and tests. Nevertheless, it is not normal for your child to feel anxious or nervous because they are unprepared. Feelings of nervousness should not interfere with their performance.

A tutor can greatly help where your child cannot cope with test or assignment anxiety. They help students improve skills and comprehend information, enhancing their confidence during testing rather than being stressed and worried.

5. Are you worried that your child could be having learning difficulties?

Dealing with learning difficulties such as concentration or communication challenges can be complex in a regular classroom. However, tutors can help deal with the struggle since they offer personalized support to your child. A tutor also helps identify where the difficulties lie and create coping strategies that align with your child’s learning styles and abilities.

One-on-one tutoring service helps your child to overcome their learning difficulties.
One-on-one tutoring service helps your child to overcome their learning difficulties.

6. Does your child lag behind their peers?

If your child is behind their peers or does not meet their grade-level learning goals, it means that they are falling behind in school. Your child may also seem to struggle to meet deadlines or may take too long to accomplish a task. A tutor can help them with good time management skills and help them close any learning gaps. This will help them get back on track and keep up with other children in the class.

7. Have you identified a specific subject area your child needs extra support with?

A tutor can help determine the areas your child is struggling in and determine the kind of help they should receive. A tutoring program can also help them build confidence and comprehension in subjects they initially struggled with. Tutors play a significant role in assisting students to achieve the grades they aim to get.

8. Does your child procrastinate on homework and assignments?

A child with procrastination issues avoids working on assignments, homework, or studying for exams until the last minute. Your child may procrastinate if they don’t understand the project, don’t see the importance of doing the work, don’t know where to start, or don’t understand the material. Procrastination is generally a combination of comprehension, motivation, and confidence issues. A tutor can successfully handle all these issues.

9. Does your child get distracted easily?

Most children underperform because they are easily distracted in the classroom. A school environment can be distracting or boring to some children. Lack of engagement and concentration can lead to poor performance or misbehavior.

A tuition setup creates a suitable environment for such children since they get one-on-one attention free of distraction. They also learn in a style that they understand best and at a time that suits them. Learning with a tutor who purely focuses on their needs also leads to long-term academic progress.

10. How can you find the right tutor for your child?

Every child has unique learning needs and unique learning styles. As such, parents should find tutoring programs that align with their children’s struggles, goals, and needs. In the initial meetings with tutors, you should be honest and open to getting the perfect match.

Enjoying lessons with tutor at home. When Children Need Tutoring Help? Doing homework with tutor, Parents Point of View, Questions Guide

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the role of tutors?

The role of tutors is to give students additional support on their coursework. Tutors do not play the role of instructing new course material, and neither should they be substitutes for attending school. Instead, tutors should help students understand the content and develop proper ways to learn and comprehend the material. Tutors should also offer study strategies and learning resources necessary in exam preparation.
Note: Tutors should not help students with graded material such as take-home exams, homework, and projects. They are also not allowed to provide learners with answers to assignments.

What qualities are vital in a tutor?

A good tutor should be a good listener and an excellent communicator to children. They should teach children how to work o themselves, instill self-confidence, note knowledge deficiencies, make learning fun and motivate students to work harder.

What qualifications do your tutors have?

Kids on the Yard tutoring company is an employee-based company, including our Tutors guided and mentored by Senior Educators.
We do not use 3rd party contractors as Tutors, but instead, they are mentored and directed to be the best Educator for your child.
All our tutors have:
Knowledge of subject matter
Ability to effectively communicate subject matter
Application of different learning strategies, including active learning and peer-to-peer techniques
Ability to listen and answer questions during tutoring sessions
Set goals and expectations during the first few sessions

Why do you focus more on primaries years for tutoring?

Like any first impression, they last and are imprinted, starting the foundation and creating our future experiences. The primary years are the golden years of your child’s education. 

At the primary level, school teachers often teach large classes, so they can easily miss your child’s problems with comprehension. However, with one-to-one online private tuition, students learn at their own pace, from the comfort of their home, without the distraction of a busy classroom.

Our Parting Shot:

At Kids on the Yard, we offer personalized tutoring perfect for kids who are struggling with scores and confidence and have slipped behind. We believe that successful Tutors build strong, personal relationships with their students and their families.

Our Teachers are HAND-PICKED by our Education Team, providing support each step of the way. This year, spend less time searching for answers and more time with your kids!

For more information, call us at 844-902-4242 Toll-Free or Send an SMS to 844-902-4242.

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